Welp, we're 30. Let's check out what was going on back in 95.
DVDs had just been invented, and we were working out of the 3 bay garage at the farm with one corded phone and 2 racks.
The only computer was inside the house, and AOL was just starting to ramp up.
We typically work on cars in the 6 to 10 years old range. So back in 95 we were primarily dealing with 80's cars. One neat example was one of our customers had a Chrysler TC. These were rare, and were pretty much just Chrysler LeBarons with Maserati badges.
If you turned on the TV you were going to hear about the OJ trial. It didn't matter if you were watching Saturday morning cartoons or baseball (well not baseball), someone was going to bring it up. Everyone was so busy paying attention to that, that no one noticed that the Gulf War part 2 had ended, and we were blissfully unaware that we were heading toward part 3.
If you preferred print media, the Washington Post and New York Times both published Ted Kaczynski's manifesto. It's an interesting read, and the whole event really put into perspective what it takes for the average person to get their voice heard, especially when that voice doesn't go along with the current narrative.
Speaking of the destructive side of technology, 95 was also the year the PS1 came to America.
And, a little closer to home, The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame opened up in Cleveland.
We'd like to sincerely thank all of you for trusting us with your second biggest investments for all of these years. We look forward to serving this community for many years to come!
